Confessions of a “CouldaBeen”

It was the Olympic Trials. I was prepared, physically. I was experiencing the best season of my life and found myself edging closer to my longed-for 200Ft. throw in competition and making the USA Olympic Track & Field Team (just typing it, gives me butterflies). I was 27 years old and I thought of this moment since I started throwing discus at age 15. Ranked 5th in the USA and 32nd in the world, I stepped into the stadium in Sacramento, California. Physically, I was ready to go, ready to accomplish, and just like my discus, ready to soar. My …

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Puzzles. I used to always do them as a child, especially with my grandma. She was the queen of puzzles. I would sit alongside of her for hours in her house in Queens, NY with 1,000 pieces of “whoa” laid out before us on a cutting board the size of a stovetop.  As we would devote our focus and patiently search for the right pieces, we would eventually get into a groove and exceptionally beautiful pictures of landscapes, homes, horses, kittens, cities, etc. would start to emerge. Once we were in that groove, we just couldn’t stop. We were dialed in. We looked forward …

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Comfort? Not Really.

Some InspirationThruExperience. The Comfort Zone is not necessarily a positive feeling/place. “Comfort” although synonymous with cozy, warm & safe is also a dwelling place for mediocrity, fear, complacency and effortlessness. Life TRULY does BEGIN at when you step out of your comfort zone or your routine or your mundane repetition of all you know yourself to be. Step outside of this zone. Step outside of what you are “used to” and begin to LIVE. What is ONE THING you always wanted to do? Stop Reading. Answer the Question. Now write in down. Now pursue it. NOTHING IS STOPPING YOU except, …

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Default Settings

Change your default setting to DO IT! Well, what the hell does that mean? Your default setting is that automatic moment. It’s that “go-to” moment, that doubtful moment. That moment of doubt that occurs when you are met with something new, something you have never attempted before.  A challenge, feat, want, desire….   It’s that first thought, that one second that triggers your mind to believe “I can’t do THAT!” We all do it. We all question ourselves. Well, you my friend have now been welcomed to step OUT of your comfort zone. That routine, mundane place where you reside. That limited domain …

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“I Suck”

Today I found myself replying to a Facebook message. When I replied I realized, EVERYONE who is in some type of fitness / training / sports at any level should see this: Awesome Female Client: “I know you don’t like negativity, but I sucked today! I don’t know what my problem was! I think it was the hardest workout for me so far …” ME: You think you sucked today? Really? Actually, as I see it, you were met with a harder workout than you have experienced before & you stood up to it the VERY BEST you could. Be happy …

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A client of mine addressed me with a question about her feet going “numb” / feeling tingly or hot when she was using her elliptical. Although, my initial answer would have gone something like this, “Oh yes, I know how we can fix that,  throw your elliptical out your window and put a cardboard sign in front of it that reads, FREE” – I instead took a more professional approach….. While answering her, I thought I would share it with you as well. If you experience the same feeling, then please read on. So you feel the dreadful “pins and needles when …

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“LOSE 50 LBS FASTER THAN EVER! According to this study by an absolute NOBODY & supported by no credible or consistent research, YOU can burn all of your belly fat away!” It’s TRUE! Read this, buy this, use this, take this & in 48 hours you will be Red Carpet Ready!” JUNK! Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah. Break through the Bullshit. It’s all Bullshit. It’s Brainwashing. It’s purposeful perpetuated failure through marketing. Believe the unrealistic, fail, believe another unrealistic, fail, try another unrealistic, FAIL. Commit to ourselves. Everyday is  a day for US to carve out what WE want to …

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10 Nutritional YES’s – GEvolution Style

Through the years within the fitness/coaching industry as both a client & trainer, coach & athlete, there were many “DIET FADS” I either experienced or heard about though peers experimenting.  To continue to help you break through some of these myths of these fads, I wanted to pass along some short, simple & direct information to you that you can utilize throughout your healthy lifestyle! I have chosen to focus on 10 nutritional guidelines that must be queued in to aid the loss of fat, encourage lean muscle tissue building, and improve your overall health. This, in turn, will perpetuate additional healthy lifestyle …

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Kim’s Ass or Jen’s Arms. Neither.

How many times have we seen the titles, “Have Legs Like These,” “So & So’s Ab Routine,” “Get This Person’s Ass,” “Tighten and Tone, just Like (insert A-List Airbrushed Celeb’s Name Here)” It’s everywhere. Magazines, Billboards, TV, Internet, Radio, and Social Media Ads! AHH! It is no wonder why many of us lose sight of our “self.”  It is because we are being heavily bombarded by information telling us, we should want to look “like this.”  I couldn’t possibly say how many times, as a personal trainer and coach that when I ask a new client what their Fitness Vision is, I am …

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