More about Movement

In my opinion the word “exercise” in my opinion, can sound just as bad as the word “job,” in the minds of many these days.

So F it.

Don’t exercise.


Front, back, left, right, round and round!

Get a coach, be part of a community, TRAIN.

Don’t submit to the aches and pains your 8 hour desk / at home at the kitchen table job are giving you!

Don’t stop doing the things that bring you joy because of you’re afraid you can’t keep up anymore!

Don’t pass up the !LIVE! In LIVING.

Invest in your inner and physical strength.

Unless your 💀 DEAD, you still have the wicked sweet ability to make the CHOICE to care for your health.

🌟Overweight. Underwieght

🌟Injured. Past injuries.

🌟Never ever worked out. 

🌟Always have but stuck.

🌟Osteoarthritis, Arthritis, Tendonitis, ANYitis

🌟Under 50. Over 50

🌟Been on the back burner for years

We are still alive. We don’t have to submit!

Decide to Move. MORE.

Our bodies were designed to move and decline when we don’t.

Join the movement culture to balance out the technology culture we are immersed in.

We are here for you!