Cheers to YOU, 2020!

This is where it all started.

February of 2010.

In Florida.

After my Dad passed away and I resigned from my corporate personal training job with Lifestyle Family Fitness.

I trained 2 clients.

My heart was not into anything after my dad passed away.

So “G-Evolution” just sat in cyberspace until 2013.

I have always been a fan of alliteration. 🙂

So, The 3 G’s turned into 4E’s, and the cornerstones to GEvolution Fitness were poured.

  • Empower
  • Embrace
  • Evolve 
  • Emerge

From 2013 until now.

2020-the hardest year my business has ever faced.

I haven’t talked much about what it is like being a small business owner in 2020, especially in an industry that was wrongfully coined “unsafe,” for much of the year.

But I will say this:

I am ever so infinitely thankful to my husband, my team of coaches AKA: MY FAMILY!!, our team members that have stuck with us, and anyone and everyone who has supported us through this insanely unexpected year.

From a simple email or phone call checking on me/us to team members choosing to keep their memberships active despite the time of shutdowns. (Even if they weren’t participating in our online classes🙂)

We went from a packed gym to capped limited capacity.

We went from physically connecting with each other to being separated and training in plastic barrier personal workout spaces.

We went from highlighting personal empowerment to having tight government rules and regulations woven throughout our entire facility.

(This is by far, my hardest pill to swallow)


we went…

From uncertainty to innovation.

From shutdowns to open minds.

From fear to action.




I can’t even write it all without getting choked up between gratitude and….still, the frustration that I work on daily to release in the name of BELIEF.

BELIEF that this next 365, 730, 1095, and beyond will still find GEvolution serving humanity, the best we can with everything we’ve got.


To cultivate togetherness with a high and loving vibration at GEvolution. Continue to create a space that breeds trust, caring, and empowerment separate from politics and deep seeded 3D beliefs. We operate to Transcend this to operate above it. Steer away from the confusion. Feed souls through movement, and love. Listen. Guide toward their OWN gifted inner and ancient wisdom within. 


To positively impact the souls residing within the human bodies that reach out to us so they too, can rise above old and limiting stories, programs, thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs into the greatest and grandest and HAPPIEST version of themselves.

This post….is just the tip of the iceberg of my thoughts about this year.

I know I share MANY thoughts with local business owners and across this great Nation.

But I will leave with this,

Thank you, God, Universe, Powers that Be, Angels, Mom + Dad In Spirit, Rick, Ricky, GEvoCoaching Family, GEvoCoaching Team, GEvo Supporters, JR Associates, and Everyone who has ever given us a thought…

Cheers to you 2020.

Let’s see what happens during the 584 million miles around the sun…