Living Your Truth

Today I would like to share this with you

Holistic Coach Meg Burton Tudman reached out to me a few weeks ago with an opportunity to do an interview/chat together.

I was ecstatic as I honor and respect Meg’s devoted life work.

From this invitation came this unscripted chat that is intended to encourage and empower.

In this interview, I explain how if we want to take inspired actions towards a goal or way of life, we must first honestly and truthfully define exactly…




Meg and I discuss the onslaught of fears + distractions that can pull us away from our truth and explore practical ways to make space for that path.

In this interview you’ll learn how to

-Trust yourself and tap into your intuition

-Determine if you’re living your dream or someone else’s

-Handle feeling uncomfortable with not knowing

-Stay connected to your truth and reset when you become unconnected

-Remove or break through fears.

Meg outlined these quotes as some of the favorites:..

“If you’re dreaming it, your being has the knowing to lay the blueprint and foundation.”

“When you define your truth, you instantly become supported.”

“Allow joy and care for your mind, body and soul every day.”

“It doesn’t have to be this way, if you’re not happy”

“Never stop using your voice to inspire and wake lions.”

Thank you for watching.

I hope what you hear taps on your inner door of personal empowerment so you can choose to recalibrate your life as you need….to actually LIVE the LIFE you want.

It is with gratitude that I share this with you…
